On a typical day (filing 100 items or so) we'll get this message 4-5 times per day. Synapse Build - 215 Final. My staff member says "if i reboot the pc it's fixed for the time being". But the PC needs rebooting. Synapse restart doesn't help. The problem started two weeks ago.
where exactly in the filing steps does the error occur? does using 8001 work? is the file in the www dir? does restarting FF work?
When hitting [last scan] to file a new item ... the browser appears and the message. It happens on 8001 (me) and 8002 (Vance). It also happens on a PC that just is for me (8001). I'll look next time. I've asked them to try that next time.
Hmm... how come you're using 8001 ? When you hit last scan, Synapse reads all the files in the scan directory, and copies the most recent one to the www directory. If you're getting a 404 it means 1. the file did not copy 2. the file copied but with the wrong name 3. there's a problem with one of the web servers ( you can edit it from 8001 to 8002 in the browser to see if that is the case to swap from the synapse web server to cheyenne ) 4.There's a problem with the browser.
1. the file copied to \www\ 2. Correct Name as well 3. I switched from 8002 to 8001 and the file appeared in the browser. When I reset Synapse.exe and tried the file again .. it used 8002 again, I switched to 8001 and the file displayed well. I reset Synapse.exe and cheyenne.exe and Synapse Web Server and then all was working well on 8002. So, it drops from 8002 to 8001 it seems ? But the browser still uses 8002 ?
I have both web servers running .. one on 8002 ( Cheyenne ) and the other on 8001 ( Synapse web server ). So, if you can see the file on 8001 but not on 8002, this indicates the problem is with Cheyenne. So, you can quit Cheyenne and restart that alone. There will be a new Cheyenne build coming out in the next month or so according to the author.