Happened another 5 times. When I file it ... it's gone ... but when it refreshes seconds later ... it comes back.
Well, I think I have this figured out. When I send the message, I have to leave results. (which I dont like) When I go back to results, I usually file the item right away. 2 or 3 seconds later it refreshes ... and my filed results come back. Is it possible to send a message from the INBOX ? Not even going to Messages ?
Well, I can't replicate this error. From dashboard/results, click on "Staff" and send a message. Get a message sent poup. Click on the dashboard/results again, and file it. It remains filed.
I keep getting it. I can't seem to find a pattern to how it happens. I don't think it is related to messaging staff.
Sometimes I have to click a result in my inbox because it doesnt open automatically. It might be that.
After I send a message to my staff about a result. I then see the appointments refresh. and then the result that I just filed comes back ! I then get this popup afterwards Which I dont use ... I always click After I click , I never get the .jpg view again ... until I send a message about a result to my staff ... go back to results .... [File] result ....
I think I've figured it out. I am able to replicate or avoid the issue. The reason for the result "not filing" is I am filing too early (Synapse isn't ready) After sending the message.... I close this Then click on the to bring the results back. I usually hit file right away ... The problem is .... I dont know when Synapse is ready for me to file. I can tell (I think, some of the time) it is ready to file by waiting for the Apppointments to refresh. Is there a way of preventing before synapse is ready ?
I tried this. I sent a message to myself. After the ok comes up, I click on "File" which I can still see in the results pane ( shrunk), and it works. I didn't need to switch to full size results pane.
After I click [File] and then expand the Results .. it takes 9 seconds for the Results to get ready. That's a long time !